This web site is a complete fabrication.

The company you’ve been reading about does not exist.

No information about you has been sent to or collected by the CFTC

If you had responded to this investment idea, you could have been Scammed.


                                                                                                                                                                                 CFTC SealThe United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) invented this company and posted this fake web site to warn you and other members of the public about fraud that is committed over the Internet.

The CFTC is the federal agency that regulates commodity futures and options markets and trading in the United States. The CFTC investigates and prosecutes violators of the law, including those who solicit customers over the Internet using fraudulent web sites similar to the one you just visited.

The CFTC has witnessed an increase in the number of Internet web sites fraudulently promoting commodity trading systems and advisory services. Web sites set up like the one you just visited fraudulently induce members of the public to put their money into commodity trading, investment pools, advisory programs, and other investments based on false claims. The CFTC encourages members of the public to bring to our attention any suspicious activities or web sites involving futures or commodity options, including matters involving foreign currency investments or precious metals. If you come across a web site resembling this one, please report it to the CFTC by calling 1(866) FON-CFTC (366-2382), or visit our Customer Protection web page, or fill out our Internet Report Form identifying your concerns.

Fraudulent web sites can include those offering—

Commodity Trading Systems and Advisory Services

The CFTC issued a Consumer Advisory warning that these web sites falsely claim that you can earn high profits with little or no risk by using their trading program or by following their advice. They also claim falsely inflated performance histories, and claim that advertised performance results are based on real trading when, in fact, the results are based on hypothetical trading.

Be skeptical of claims made by promoters of trading systems and advisory services. The commodity markets are highly volatile and risky under any circumstances, and no program can guarantee profits. In addition, actual trading differs dramatically from hypothetical or paper trading because of market movements, commissions and fees.

Foreign Currency Trading

The CFTC issued an Advisory warning the public to Beware of Foreign Currency Trading Frauds. The CFTC has seen an increase in fraudulent foreign currency (Forex) trading firms that advertise on the Internet. Their web sites often tout high-return, low-risk investment opportunities in foreign currency trading, or even highly-paid currency-trading employment opportunities.

Even when conducted legally, Forex trading is very risky and many of these firms operate illegally. Many of these firms should be—but are not—registered with the CFTC; many are selling Forex that can only be sold on a futures exchange; and many of these firms take your money without buying anything for you. The CFTC urges you to be skeptical of anyone offering opportunities in foreign currency (Forex) trading.

Precious Metals

The CFTC published a Consumer Advisory on precious metals called Beware of Promises of Easy Profits from Buying Precious Metals and Other Commodities. Many companies sell investments in precious metals and other commodities with sales pitches claiming that customers can make a lot of money with little risk by purchasing metal through a financing agreement. Sometimes these companies offer opportunities to speculate on the price movement of precious metals or other commodities such as heating oil without actually taking delivery of the commodity.

Many of these investment opportunities are fraudulent. The companies might lie about a customer’s ability to profit and about the storage and financing fees charged. Many of the companies do not buy any metals at all.

Claims Based on Seasonal Demand

The CFTC issued an Advisory warning consumers to beware of promises of easy profits from commodities based on seasonal demand. Companies often use web sites and radio and television advertisements and infomercials to promote commodity futures and options. These ads may claim that seasonal trends in the demand for certain commodities or well-known current events create an opportunity to make big money by trading in commodity futures and options. The ads promise quick riches—such as turning $5,000 into $20,000 in just a few months—with predetermined risk. For example, the ads may urge you to purchase heating oil options because increased demand for heating oil in the winter is likely to push up heating oil prices or to buy unleaded gas options because summer driving pushes up gas prices.

Always follow these general guidelines—

  • Avoid any company that predicts or guarantees large profits with little or no financial risk.

  • Be wary of high-pressure tactics to convince you to send or transfer cash immediately to the firm, via overnight delivery companies, the Internet, mail, or any other way.

  • Never invest more money than you can afford to lose.

Before you send any money, do some research about the company by—

  • Asking about all possible fees to be charged and make sure you understand the basis for each charge. If in doubt, don’t invest. If you cannot get solid information about the company, the salesperson, or your investment, you may not want to risk your money.
  • Contacting the National Futures Association (NFA) to find out if the company is registered with the CFTC or is a member of the NFA. You can call the NFA at 1(800) 621-3570 or (800) 676-4NFA. You can also check registration and membership information along with the status and disciplinary record of a company or salesperson on the NFA web site. However, Registration might not be required for every company.
  • Getting in touch with other authorities including your State Securities Commissioner listed at North American Securities Administrators Administration, or the National Association of Attorneys General Consumer Protection Bureau. In general, make sure you get as much information as you can about the company and verify the information if possible with someone whose financial advice you trust.

And remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!